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On Trump's 2024 Election - A letter from a prolife political prisoner.

Writer: NathanNathan

Bio:  The author is an anti-abortion rescuer currently serving 34 months in Federal incarceration for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE).  You can both help the rescuers and help nullify FACE by clicking "Take Action" at

On a personal level, I'm about as elated as anyone can be that Donald Trump is once again president of the United States.  Several times Trump has promised to release all anti-abortion rescuers incarcerated for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE). That means, God willing, I could home by February to help my family during an especially difficult time, and return to the incredibly vital work of abolishing child-killing.  These past fourteen months were instructive and, in their own way, edifying.  God moved deeply in my heart and used me to positively influence the lives of multiple convicts at four separate facilities.  Nevertheless, the prospect of finally getting out still gladdens me.

Yet don't be mistaken; our rescue is not yet complete. One of the nine individuals convicted in our case must volunteer to stay in prison and complete his or her sentence so that the case may continue its appeal to the US Supreme Court.  There, hopefully, FACE will be struck down and anti-abortion Americans may again rescue without fear of outrageous persecution by the Department of Justice. We're still figuring that part out.

Furthermore, Trump must not be allowed to simply release us and wash his hands of the whole affair.  While we cannot be certain that the Supreme Court will overturn FACE, future rescues will still be feasible if the DOJ threat is neutralized. So it is critically important that we keep vocal pressure on the president to execute the terms of our petition (which I urge you to sign) found at  It has been endorsed by most of the rescuers and calls upon him to:

1. Grant full pardons to anyone convicted of violating FACE,

2. Forbid the DOJ from investigating or prosecuting FACE for the duration of his term,

3. Dismiss any Federal employee who was involved in the investigation, arrest and prosecution of FACE defendants, and forbid their rehire while he is president,

Yet while Donald Trump's election is a personal blessing to me and may mean a reformation of the DOJ, beyond that I do not think supporters of life can expect much more from “America's most pro-life president.”  Isolated though I may be in prison, I've still received news of his increasingly antagonistic comments and wavering positions.  He's blamed pro-lifers for costing him an election, criticized clinical abortion bans as too radical (when in reality none go far enough), came out in support of in-vitro fertilization (which usually destroys unborn lives) and promised to veto a national abortion ban. When he speaks on the topic he fumbles like a man without any grasp of or interest in the issue. His wife, once again our first lady, is publicly pro-murder.

This will be Trump's final term. He doesn't have to worry about what voters think of him anymore. He's free to focus on the things he cares about, and it's clear to me that fighting abortion is not one of those things. Having given us the court that reversed Roe vs Wade, he considers his duty complete. Any further progress is not going to initiate from the White House.  It's going to come from you.

And by "you" I don't mean your surrogates: the smiley-faced, banquet-hosting, baby-step obsessed pro-life establishment who for fifty-one years has taken your money and promised to fix the world on your behalf. Their policies are responsible for our current position. Roe is gone but abortion rates are rising again and DIY chemical abortion is legal is every state (since moms who abort are legally immune). We've made zero progress convincing Americans that we're right and now we don't even have an anti-abortion political party. Most of these pro-life establishment groups did not support rescue or Rep. Chip Roy's bill to repeal FACE in Congress. Whatever obstacles lie ahead (and there are many) will not be overcome by following their lead.

Rather by "you" I mean you, one of the millions of American citizens who still know your right hand from your left, recognize abortion as an unspeakable evil and wish someone would end it.  That someone is YOU. You need to start doing all the simple, albeit personally costly things necessary to reach your goal. You must realize that no person or group with a famous name, large bank account and lots of power is going to do the job for you.

Some might be surprised that I haven't sworn off rescues. This is because I sense that anti-abortion America needs some sort of focal point to rally around. Since 2013 I've been trying, through the Revelation 3:2 Project ( to convince you that the solution lies in thousands of conversations and little acts of defiance (some of which might result in jail time) that all of us must continually make. I've been unsuccessful. But I hold out hope that just maybe, knowing that some people are still rescuing and taking the consequences will overcome all fears/excuses and transform more of you from mere pro-lifers to the champions preborn children both need and deserve.

Four years is not long. They will be over before you know it. Considering the volatile, unpredictable nature of American politics, it's entirely possible that by 2029 both Congress and the presidency will be controlled by radical pro-aborts, and they will exploit the powerful Federal deep-state (which we foolishly tried to control instead of dismantle) to oppress anti-abortion activists while pushing for a nationwide right-to-abort. Such back and forth, tug-of-war nonsense has to stop. The lives of innocent people are too important.

This election has provided us an opportunity, nothing more. As someone who has tasted just a little bit of what preborn children suffer every day, I plead with you, don't let the opportunity go to waste.



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